Portfolio shares: A founder-led AIM dividend stock

This AIM stock is offers remarkable profitability and owner management. Questions marks remain over future growth, but I'm happy to keep holding.

Portfolio shares: A founder-led AIM dividend stock
Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash

This week I'm returning to my portfolio shares series to introduce an AIM stock from my quality dividend model portfolio.

The company concerned has many of the hallmarks I associate with the best type of AIM company:

  • Owner management with significant shareholding
  • High profit margins and returns on capital
  • Very strong balance sheet
  • Excellent cash generation
  • Progressive dividend policy
  • Somewhat of a defensive moat

In case you start thinking I've found the perfect stock, I should also say that the company's product portfolio depends quite heavily on a single core offering. I might also argue that there's some uncertainty around future growth prospects.

I hold the shares personally and in the model dividend portfolio I run on this site.

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