Sept '23 dividend portfolio update: keep going

External conditions are providing challenges for some of the companies in my dividend portfolio, but I'm reassured by most of these updates.

Sept '23 dividend portfolio update: keep going
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Welcome to my review of September's news and results from the companies in my model dividend portfolio.

Winston Churchill is supposed to have said "if you're going through hell, keep going".

I don't think things are that bad for the companies in my portfolio, but many of them are certainly facing headwinds that are holding back growth and profitability.

To varying degrees, I think these trends are affecting all five of my stocks that have issued results or trading updates over the last month.

The good news is that I believe most of these companies should be well positioned to benefit when external conditions do start to improve.

In the meantime, I think all of these businesses remain in decent financial health and are likely to continue paying reliable dividends.

In this month's report:

Here's a summary of the company results covered in this report, with a link to each section:

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